
2Danbelt Experience's new album, Reminiscences, will be released digitally on March 15th, 2025.

1. 音楽のありか (Show Me To Where There's Music)

2. おいてけぼれない (Stay In The Flow)

3. ショーネン (Shonen) [Alternative Version]

4. フシギナセカイ (Fushigi Na Sekai) [Alternative Version]

5. I♡DTM (I Love Desktop Music)

6. ポケット (In My Pocket)

7. ギフト (The Gift)

8. 目の前の世界だけが見えてる世界のすべてじゃない (Not The Whole World You Can See)

9. パラフェルナリア (Paraphernalia) [Alternative Version]

10. 想追録 (Reminiscences)

11. 傍観者 (Bystander)

12. ISM (ISM)

Produced by Satoshi Watanabe

Music & Lyrics by Satoshi Watanabe

Performed by 2Danbelt Experience

* All vocals, guitars, bass, programming & arrangement by Satoshi Watanabe

* Track 4 performed by K-Square Sound Lab

* Electric slide guitars on Tracks 6 & 9 by Yoshihiro Matsuura

Recorded & Mixed at 2DBE Studio, Kyoto, Japan

Mastered by Gene Paul at G&J Audio, Union City, NJ

Artwork by Inaba May

ニュー・アルバム、『想追録(そうついろく)/ Reminiscences』のリリースに関してです。




2025年1月29日、2ダンベルト・エクスペリエンスのニュー・アルバム、『想追録(そうついろく)/ Reminiscences』を配信リリースします。


We are excited to announce that 2Danbelt Experience will digitally release their new album, "Reminiscences", on January 29, 2025!

The album features a total of 12 tracks, including 7 brand-new songs.


Reminiscences / 2Danbelt Experience

01. 音楽のありか (Show Me To Where There's Music)

02. おいてけぼれない (Stay In The Flow)

03. ショーネン (Shonen) [album mix]

04. フシギナセカイ (Fushigi Na Sekai) [album version]

05. I♡DTM (I Love Desk Top Music)

06. ポケット (In My Pocket)

07. ギフト (The Gift) [album mix]

08. 目の前の世界だけが見えてる世界のすべてじゃない

         (Not The Whole World You Can See)  [album mix]

09. パラフェルナリア (Paraphernalia) [album version]

10. 想追録 (Reminiscences)

11. 傍観者 (Bystander)

12. ISM (ISM)


To dilute the color of sadness reflected in the window, let's hang the curtains in your color and take a peek. This song is dedicated to the courage and spirit of all those finding a ray of hope despite struggling.

Music and lyrics by Satoshi Watanabe

Vocals, guitars and programming by Satoshi Watanabe

Drums by Curtis

Percussions by Isabela

Recorded and mixed at 2DBE Studio, Kyoto, Japan

Mastered at G&J Audio, Union City, NJ

Mastered by Gene Paul

Artwork by Inaba May

Produced by Satoshi Watanabe



The new single “Not The Whole World You Can See” will be released digitally on March 13th, 2024.

To dilute the color of sadness reflected in the window, let's hang the curtains in your color and take a peek. This song is dedicated to the courage and spirit of all those finding a ray of hope despite struggling.


I sang about my eternal love for XXXX. I would be happy if you liked the song's dizzying development and the lyrics' unique expression.

Music and lyrics by Satoshi Watanabe
Vocals, guitars and bass by Satoshi Watanabe
Drums by Curtis
Recorded and mixed at 2DBE Studio, Kyoto, Japan
Mastered at G&J Audio, Union City, NJ
Mastered by Gene Paul
Artwork by Satoshi Watanabe
Produced by Satoshi Watanabe



The new single “The Gift” will be released digitally on February 14th, 2024.

That is supreme love. Unmistakably, everlasting love. Undoubtedly, genuine love.


コロナ禍をきっかけに制作に着手された本作は、オルタナティヴの枠を超えるミクスチャーなサウンドと日本語に拘った詩によって自らのライフテーマである「死」をコンセプトにした作品。全編にわたって京都のサウンド・アーティスト北航平がトラック制作を手掛けた。エレクトリック・ベースで唯一無二の現代音楽家ミムラシンゴが参加。代表曲「In The Storm」では、世界的スライド・マスター松浦善博(ex.世良公則&ツイスト)が参加。独創的なアートワークは日比谷カタンが担当。太宰治『晩年』や松本人志『遺書』が引き合いに出される、ブラック・メルヘンとも形容される独特で摩訶不思議な世界に誘う1枚です。


1. Lord, Have Mercy

2. P.I.N.K.

3. 蜻蛉

4. Emily Levy

5. フシギナセカイ


1. un-transparent Blue

2. Loverman

3. ショーネン

4. In The Storm






Music and lyrics by Satoshi Watanabe

Guitars and bass by Satoshi Watanabe

Drums by Maurice

Recorded and mixed at 2DBE Studio, Kyoto, Japan

Mastered at G&J Audio, Union City, NJ

Mastered by Gene Paul

Artwork by Satoshi Watanabe

Produced by Satoshi Watanabe



The new single "Paraphernalia" will be released digitally on September 16th.

This is a song about a housewife who loves Shonen Knife and can't help but plug in her Marshall and strum the guitar at full blast.

2023年8月9日、晩夏から初秋にかけて。シングル「フシギナセカイ (Fushgi Na Sekai)」[Orchestra Version]、配信開始。

"Fushigi Na Sekai" sings a non-material supremacist world full of magical mysteries. Wishing the world to be filled with spiritual feelings...


A bench made of moon fragments, a hammock between clouds, a seesaw on a ridge…


The lovers sung here don't need material luxury, they just want to confirm the continuation of their dreams.


It is a standard orchestral arrangement that gradually builds up. Still, the scene develops at once due to an unexpected modulation in the middle section, and the second half ends with a falsetto as if one of the tremendous artists, Prince, had descended. Please enjoy "Fushigi Na Sekai" full of black fairy tale feelings.









Music and lyrics by Satoshi Watanabe

Orchestra arranged by Kenta Kitano

Recorded and mixed at 2DBE Studio, Kyoto, Japan

Mastered at G&J Audio, Union City, NJ

Mastered by Gene Paul

Artwork by Inaba May

Produced by Satoshi Watanabe




Orchestral arrangement from the album "Obituaries" will be released. The magical mystery world is full of black fairy tale feelings!

Streaming release on August 9, 2023

Link will be posted on the day.